Preserving culture, building community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to preserve local culture, model and promote environmental conservation, and bridge Nosara's communities through resource and community building, global citizenship, and regenerative tourism.

What we do.

At the heart of ConoSer's ethos lies our commitment to preserving Nosara's vibrant local culture and biodiverse environment. We deeply value the rich heritage of our community and are dedicated to preserving its traditions, customs, and indigenous wisdom. Our approach centers around cultural immersion experiences and collaborative endeavors with the people of Nosara. By engaging in projects alongside locals, we seek to celebrate and uphold the uniqueness that defines this town.

Environmental conservation is woven seamlessly into our initiatives. We understand the delicate equilibrium between human activities and the natural world and pursue sustainable practices that reduce our ecological impact. We support the environmental endeavors of local organizations such as the Wildlife Conservation Association, Costas Verdes, Nosara Recicla, SIBU, and IAR. In addition, we actively participate in endeavors that protect and rejuvenate the diverse ecosystems that characterize Nosara's landscape.

Our goal is to unite the diverse communities of Nosara through understanding, compassion, and integration. We firmly believe in the potency of unity and cooperation in confronting shared challenges and embracing opportunities. By cultivating inclusive environments for community initiatives, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among residents, visitors, and stakeholders. Through our regenerative tourism practices and educational programs, we are committed to instilling a culture of global citizenship and empathy, empowering the leaders of Nosara to protect the town that has captured the hearts of so many.

Why ConoSer?

Our project is rooted in honoring our rich culture within the vibrant community of Nosara. We are dedicated to serving as a bridge to newcomers, offering them immersion into our local way of life, established by the Nosarenos who call this place home.

Inspired by our value of integration, we combined the verbs "conocer", to know a place or person, and "ser", to be, into a singular term, encapsulating the essence of harmonious coexistence and seamless integration. It wields a sense of belonging, and it guides us towards a shared vision of unity among the diverse citizens of Nosara, whether native-born or foreigners.

Together, let us find unity in our diversity and connection in the tapestry of shared experiences as we embrace a future where the past flows into the present to create a vibrant community of cultural harmony.